Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Appeal of Boating

Boat ride
Photo by Miha Jan Strehovec on Unsplash

A seasoned executive from Massachusetts, Doug Hittinger specializes in team building and development. Outside of work, Doug Hittinger enjoys boating and fishing.

As a multi-faceted hobby, boating proves an ideal option for anyone looking to take his or her outdoor adventures up a notch. For one, an enthusiast can choose between a boat and a yacht. He or she can explore fishing or simply enjoy a boat ride.

Here are the top three reasons that make boating a great hobby:

It Can Be Enjoyed by Everyone

Some people think that boating is only for those who are wealthy, or have previous exposure and experience. However, anyone interested in boating can easily get started. With boats available for rent and resources available online and off, learning the basics is inexpensive and easy.

It Can Be a Great Family Bonding Activity

Boating can be a leisure activity enjoyed by everyone in the family. It offers a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, and for families to work together as a team as they leave the dock, navigate, set anchor, and return to the marina.

It Offers a Fun Way to Get Healthy

When boating, every muscle in the body can get a workout. Paddling a kayak, for instance, builds muscle strength not just in the arms but the core, legs, back, and shoulder muscles as well. Even when a person stands on a yacht, his or her body is still at work as the boat rocks and sways. One can also get lots of fresh air and a healthy dose of Vitamin D while out on the water.